Financial institutions working with us

We have long-term relationships with our funders

We already partnered with over 40 financial institutions, which provide funding on their set of terms based on standard legal agreements from eFactor Network. As a funder you do not have to be involved in the implementation of our platform with the buyer and with the supplier onboarding, our dedicated teams are taking care of it. We help funders to participate in our financing program or support their own clients with minimal efforts.

We leverage your strength as liquidity provider and work together with your team as true business partners. Once integrated on eFactor network’s platform, you can participate in multiple financing programs. Different than auctioning platforms, you have full transparency in which program you participate at what rate and have certainty of funding.

We work with commercial banks, non-bank funders as well as capital market investors and are always interested in widening our funding network on a national and international level. As a financial institution, you can participate in individual supply chain finance programs or in concert with other funders.

The easiest way to fund working capital

eFactor Network has already built partnerships with over 40 financial institutions on the platform. Banks and non-bank funders can easily participate in our supply chain finance and receivable finance programs by joining our technology platform. Different than other auctioning platforms, funders have a direct relationship with their client and the suppliers and have certainty of financing.

eFactor Network delivers to funders real-time information flows on invoices and payments with full transparency and visibility on supply chain transaction details, reducing the risk of fraud and errors.

Our funding partners have generated millions in revenue on our platform with considerable growth opportunities. Our funding partners are able to achieve the following benefits:​​

Ability to get fast go-to-market access and participate in our financing solutions.
Platform tested and approved by leading commercial banks.
High risk-adjusted returns in comparison to similar short-term corporate commercial papers.
Funders control the money flow. Money flows don’t go through eFactor Network.
Full transparency on pricing, without participation fees.
Funders have a direct relationship with the buying organization and the suppliers.
Full operational supports collecting required data from suppliers.

How to partner with eFactor Network?

If you are interested in a partnership with eFactor Network, please contact us and join our growing funding network.

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